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Jason Perz

Jason Perz is the brains behind Against All Odds Research and now serves as a Contributing Editor at Eunice, where he’s doing what he does best — breaking down the tricky world of market behaviors into something everyone can get. His interesting insights have collected wide praise, with his Substack newsletter earning recommendations from renowned financial experts across the globe. Most of Jason’s market analysis is oriented toward commodity trading, but he also has no shortage of knowledge regarding current world events and their impact on major currencies and, most importantly, our personal finances.

However, before Jason became one of the most respected authors in finance and commodity trading, he had to overcome multiple challenges, which he described in his TEDx talk, “The Thrill of Failure”. Adopted as a child and later losing much of his family, he struggled with feelings of worthlessness and loneliness. To fight these difficult emotions, he used BMX riding as his “escape”, which later became his actual passion. A few years after, Jason was a notable figure in the competitive BMX riding, recognized by the nickname “Dorito”.

His journey through the ranks of professional BMX riding earned him significant respect within the BMX community, eventually leading him to own a stunt team, named Thriller BMX. However, most importantly, it helped him channel his pain into actual relief, plus it taught him many important lessons. Jason frequently shares how the rigors and trials of BMX riding shaped his approach to finance, teaching him what resilience and strategic thinking actually are.

Despite his success in BMX, Jason faced another major challenge — addiction. The pressure and injuries from his BMX career, along with his personal struggles, led him down a difficult path with drugs. As he mentioned in his TEDx talk, this addiction brought him to some of the darkest moments of his life, to the point where he wasn’t sure if he’s going to survive another day. However, through sheer determination and the support of his loved ones, Jason managed to overcome this obstacle and rebuild his life.


So, as you can see, it wasn’t all butterflies and rainbows, but he definitely made it, and Eunice’s team couldn’t be more happy to have him on board today. We know that with his ferrous psyche and great analytical thinking skills, nothing is impossible for Jason, and we couldn’t find a better person to take care of Eunice’s upcoming campaigns!

Jason Perz is a Contributing Editor for Eunice, bringing a diverse background from professional BMX riding to expert financial analysis. After a successful career in sports, Jason transitioned to the finance industry, where he founded Against All Odds Research. At Eunice, Jason will use his unique experiences to help explain complex financial topics in a simple and engaging way. His goal is to make sure you not only understand these ideas but find them as exciting as he does.

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