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Home Education Plan for Large Purchases
Plan for Large Purchases

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April 24, 2024
Plan for Large Purchases


Can I understand the concept of saving smartly for large purchases?

Welcome to our comprehensive course on planning for large purchases. It’s no secret that making large financial decisions like buying a house or car, planning a big vacation, or investing in your education requires serious planning. This guide is here to provide you with all the necessary tools and skills to manage your finances and plan wisely for these significant life investments.

Planning your financial future

Before we delve into the specifics, let’s go over a few essential financial planning principles:

  • Budgeting – This is about knowing exactly how much money is coming into and leaving your account, allowing you to plan effectively for your big purchase.

  • Saving – A vital step on your road to making big purchases. Saving requires discipline but can lead to financial freedom.

  • Investing – While more risk is involved, smart investing can accelerate your saving journey, provided you’ve done your research and either know what you’re doing or seek suitable advice.

From planning to buying: Your journey

Planning for a large purchase is a journey. It starts well before the actual purchase and lasts until you’ve finally paid it off. Below, we delve into the most important stages of your journey.

Identifying your large purchase

The first step of your journey is defining what the large purchase is. Is it a house, a car, a long-dreamed-of holiday, or maybe it’s a college degree? Know what you’re working towards, as this provides the motivation to keep you moving forward.

Saving for your large purchase

After identifying your large purchase, you need to figure out how much money you need to save. Use our easy-to-follow steps below to get started:

  • Calculate the total cost: From the initial down payment to any additional charges, add up all the costs.

  • Set a timeframe: Identify when you need or want to make your purchase by.

  • Determine your monthly saving goal: Divide the total amount needed by the number of months in your timeframe.

Mobilizing extra funds

There’s more than one way to save for your large purchase. If you’re not meeting your saving goals, consider the following options:

  • Cut down on unnecessary expenses: Cutting out unnecessary expenses can help you reach your saving goals.

  • Start a side gig: Additional income can give your saving goal a substantial boost.

  • Invest wisely: As encompassed in financial planning, investing can provide an additional income stream.

Making the purchase

Once you’ve saved enough, it’s time to make your purchase. However, make sure you navigate this stage wisely, considerate of interest rates, repayment schedules, and particularly the total cost of borrowed money.

Case Study: Julie’s Home Purchase

Now that we’ve learnt the basic principles, let’s look at how our principles helped Julie, a single mother, purchase her first home.

  1. Identifying the Purchase: Julie knew she wanted a home for herself and her son. The condo she looked at was priced at $200,000.

  2. Saving: Julie calculated her saving goal by figuring out the down payment (20% of the home cost), which was $40,000. She planned to buy the house in 5 years, meaning she had to save at least $800 a month.

  3. Mobilizing Extra Funds: When Julie realized saving $800 every month was a tad difficult, she started tutoring on the weekends to earn extra income.

  4. Buying: Julie was able to purchase her home after five years of rigorous budgeting, saving, and contributing extra income.

Wrap Up: Planning for Large Purchases

Planning for a large purchase might seem daunting at first glance. However, having a solid plan, maintaining discipline, and implementing smart financial principles make it entirely possible. Remember to identify your purchase, save systematically, mobilize extra funds when needed, and purchase wisely. May your financial journey be fruitful and rewarding. Happy planning!

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