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Home Stock Picks Angola's Central Bank Governor Optimistic About Currency Stability Despite Rising Inflation Fears
Angola's Central Bank Governor Optimistic About Currency Stability Despite Rising Inflation Fears

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WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Amidst a dynamic economic landscape, Angola’s central bank projects a stable outlook for the national currency, the kwanza, through the current year, Governor Manuel Tiago Dias revealed on Saturday. Sharing insights during an exclusive Reuters interview at the International Monetary Fund event, Governor Dias highlighted potential adjustments to the inflation outlook in response to evolving fuel subsidy policies.

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May 13, 2024
Angola’s central bank governor forecasts FX stability amid inflation concerns

EUNICE.IO – In a promising economic⁣ discourse, Governor Manuel Tiago ⁤Dias from Angola’s central ⁢bank recently projected⁢ a stable trajectory for the ‌kwanza’s value throughout the year. Governor Dias, during an in-depth dialogue at an international finance summit, advised ⁣that⁣ while the currency ​stability seems promising,⁤ potential amendments in the inflation predictions ‍may⁢ emerge due to alterations⁢ in fuel price subsidies which could elevate the inflationary pressures.

The anticipation suggests consumer price inflation‌ might stabilize around ​19% by the end of the ‍year, which⁣ shows a mild relief⁣ from the previous year’s rate. This potential recalibration⁣ primarily stems from ongoing ‍adjustments to fuel⁣ subsidies. Such fiscal‌ maneuvers, however, have sparked​ public dissent in multiple African nations, underscoring a regional economic​ tremor from Angola‍ to Nigeria.

Citing ‌Angola’s past fiscal books, the governor ​outlined that the heavy subsidization of fuel had eclipsed many of the government’s social initiatives. He emphasized a profound confidence in the maintained⁢ exchange rate‍ stability backed by​ international agreements promoting a flexible ​exchange rate⁤ regime.

As the global ​economic climate remains tensed with high interest rates, Governor Dias accentuated⁢ the scrutiny of international economic ⁣trends and domestic fiscal indicators to strategically ⁢steer next monetary policy directions.

Category: Financial

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