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Home Stock Picks Vanguard Advocates For Inflation Safeguards As Price Pressures Intensify
Vanguard Advocates For Inflation Safeguards As Price Pressures Intensify

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Amid Soaring Prices, Vanguard Pushes for Stronger Inflation Safeguards in Investment Portfolios

NEW YORK (Reuters) — A top Vanguard executive emphasized the importance of bolstering inflation protection within investment portfolios this Monday. This strategic shift is a direct response to the latest U.S. economic data signaling rising inflation risks globally. Furthermore, escalating tensions in the Middle East could potentially drive up transportation and oil costs, making this approach increasingly relevant for international investors.

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May 13, 2024
Vanguard favors inflation protection amid rising price pressure risks

EUNICE.IO – Amid a backdrop of fluctuating global markets, Vanguard is stepping up its game by reinforcing inflation defenses in investment strategies. This Monday, a Vanguard executive outlined the necessity for increased inflation safeguards influenced by fresh U.S. economic data indicating potential global inflationary pressures. Added to this is the current geopolitical tension in the Middle East, which could escalate transportation and oil costs, underscoring the strategy’s relevance for global investors.

Inpiration from Bond Rates: Notably, the appeal of Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS) at the curve’s front end has risen, supporting a more robust defense against inflation within portfolios. As stubborn inflation persists, U.S. bond yields have experienced an uptick throughout the year, prompting a recalibration of expectations regarding the Federal Reserve’s interest rate adjustments in 2024, typically inverse to price actions.

Vanguard’s projected economic scenario suggests a “deferred landing” for the U.S. economy. This scenario anticipates sustained growth paired with inflation rates that exceed the Federal Reserve’s targets—yet not to the extent that would trigger further rate hikes.

This economic outlook could prove advantageous for corporate bond and U.S. Treasury investors, primarily due to the high interest income coupled with potential price benefits should the Fed decide to reduce rates.

Category: ETFs

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